
Get informations about visitors of your website (IP, location, OS, browser, ...)

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Vanitas is a project in pure PHP using only simple functions and internal data. Its goal is to give you various metrics about peoples and bots acceding your webiste.

Why choose Vanitas

  • Incredibly simple to install and use. You upload it on your server and add a simple line of code in your code source.
  • Use absolutely no external resource (no curl request, no external database, no API, ...) Everything is kept on your application. Absolutly no data gets out.
  • No database. All data are stored in text files. The results are put in a .csv file that you would eventually read and parse quite easily.
  • Fast. So fast ! For each visitor coming on each of your page, their metrics are detected and stored in a blink (less than 0.10 sec)
  • Compatible with PHP 5 and PHP 7 and all their updates. Do not worry about that. :)
  • Works with IPV4 and IPV6 although IPV6 is intrinsically way less accurate.

Why not choose Vanitas

  • You want very accurate geographic data ? Sorry, the application is only precise up to countries. I lack of more specific, efficient and reliable data.... not for along I hope.

The data recorded

The data that would be available to you are (with examples) :

Information name Example
Date 2019-04-07
Hour 10:31:24
IP adress
Is it IPV4 ? 1
Is it IPV6 ? 0
Visited page http://www.example.com/
Coming from url http://www.olderExample.com/
Country name France
Country tag (2 letters) FR
Country tag (3 letters) FRA
User-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0"
Is it a bot ? 1
Browser name Firefox
Browser version 66.0
Browser engine Gecko,
Processor architecture (is 64 bits ?) 1
Using a mobile device 1
OS family Linux
OS version "NT 6.3"
OS name "Windows 8.1"

Tools/library used

To gather IP informations, I got the set from geo-ip. Would you please consider make them a donation (even a tiny one) ? Because they truly deserve it. License donationware.

To parse the user-agent, I used Wolfcast's great work : BrowserDetection. License GNU LGPL Thanks to him/them.

How to use

See the wiki. It is quick to read with examples.


Informations are extracted from IP et user-agent sent by your visitor thus fiability is bound to those two data.

  • People can send fake IP to disturb your application/website or use proxies (although vanitas can still detect beyond proxies in some cases)
  • People can customize their browser in order to make them appear as different. There are many plugins for each browser that allow their users to tailor their user-agent as they desire. Bots often rarely bother to declare more than a quite simple one.

Next planned updates

  • Trying Maxmind database if it is more efficient.
  • Add customizable interactive graphs that would be easily displayed on your website.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (if any).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html