install Node.js/npm
install Yeoman
$ npm install -g yo
install generator-impactplusplus
$ npm install -g generator-impactplusplus
run the generator to build a quick impact++ scaffold
$ yo impactplusplus
generator-impactplusplus supports these other commands too!
Update to the latest version of ImpactJS, or install ImpactJS if it is not already installed.
$ yo impactplusplus:update-impactjs "MY-LICENSE-KEY"
to download the latest version of ImpactJS
$ yo impactplusplus:update-impactjs "../path/to/impactjs"
to copy ImpactJS from another local directory
- Move download/copy of impactjs to subgenerator
- Generate empty game
- Generate impact++ sample game (jumpnrun or supercollider)
- Download or copy of impactjs version
- Download latest impact++ version