
My Advent od Code repository, in SQL&Python, 2022

Primary LanguageC

Advent of Code 2022 in Python or SQL

Solutions of annual coding challenge https://adventofcode.com/ written in PostgreSQL and Python (python as a fallback if SQL would be too annoying).



Run this to create conda env:

conda create -n aoc2022 -c conda-forge python=3.10 poetry
conda activate aoc2022
poetry init
poetry add advent-of-code-data psycopg2 PyYAML treelib numpy

Run python init.py to generate base parts of the code base for each day.

In order to download the input data programatically, log in to adventofcode.com, and then grab the cookie token and put it to secret.yaml.

Run the db by docker-compose up -d

solvers for day 16 downloaded from https://sites.google.com/view/enhsp/?pli=1 https://fai.cs.uni-saarland.de/hoffmann/metric-ff.html https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/old/_media/courses/a4m36pah/assignments/planners64.zip

the compiled.py must be ran before the main.py, if present, to compile the numba code.