
Small comparison of Julia and python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Comparison of Julia and python in jupyter notebooks

Simple comparison of julia vs python.

Create the environment

conda create -n julia_python python=3.9
conda activate julia_python
conda install tensorflow pytorch numpy
pip install jupyterlab jupyter_nbextensions_configurator intel-openmp matplotlib

using python 3.9, because there is no conda package ready yet for the 3.10

to add julia kernel, run

] add IJulia
using IJulia

(I'm using Julia 1.7.3)

start jupyter notebook

jupyter lab

mutagenesis examples taken from: https://nbviewer.org/github/CTUAvastLab/JsonGrinder.jl/blob/gh-pages/v2.3.1/examples/mutagenesis_python.ipynb https://nbviewer.org/github/CTUAvastLab/JsonGrinder.jl/blob/gh-pages/v2.3.1/examples/mutagenesis.ipynb

presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17iJz3msb9cYPzNDW2RMl1ZY-U9kPS9j58vtXX__yt3U/edit?usp=sharing