
Django-SHOP plugin for email subscriptions

Primary LanguageHTMLBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Django-SHOP plugin for email subscriptions


This plugin allows Django-SHOP implementations to add email subscriptions for their customers.

The module is currently compatible with Django v1.10.7. This documentation assumes a working knowledge of Django and Django-SHOP.

Release History


This plugin currently has the following features:

  • Django-angular & bootstrap3 based subscription and confirmation forms that can be included in normal templates.
  • Automatic pickup of any Customer model fields that start with subscription_ for inclusion in forms.
  • A CMS plugin for inclusion of either form in CMS placeholders.
  • Default confirmation and subscription management form, or use your own page.
  • A minimal customer form for the standard Django-SHOP checkout to prevent all fields annoying customers on every checkout.
  • Email link authentication for management of subscriptions.
  • Overridable forms and email templates including Email Framework compatibility with the majority of email clients.
  • Rate limit for subscriptions from each ip address.
  • Email integration with post_office templates.


Please let me know of you have any feature suggestions, or wish to implement any of the below:

  • Admin interface to allow emails to be authored and sent out to subscribed users.
  • Tests.
  • Remove included email framework.
  • Continuous build integration including compatibility testing with various python, Django and Django-SHOP versions.

Integration Guide

Please follow the guide below to integrate the plugin into your own shop.


Please add the following to your Django settings. If you do not use CMS you do not need the CMS plugin.



A logging configuration similar to below is also recommended to catch a few warnings given off by this module. This configuration will also catch messages given off by other modules for which there is no specific configuration. If you want to add a specific configuration for this module, use the module name shop_subscribe.

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
    'formatters': {
        'simple': {
            'format': '[%(asctime)s %(name)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'level': 'INFO',
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'formatter': 'simple',
    'root': {
        'handlers': ['console'],
        'level': 'INFO',


The confirmation email sent out to customers uses request.build_absolute_uri which uses the X_FORWARDED_HOST or HOST headers to construct the URL. To prevent host header attacks, ensure that ALLOWED_HOSTS is restrictive and ensure that your server rejects incorrect header values.

Customer Model

For the subscription plugin to work, you must create your own customer model that extends the provided shop customer model. There are two requirements:

  • Add the SubscriptionCustomerManagerMixin to a manager class
  • Add your own subscription options to the customer model which MUST be prefixed with subscription_

For example:

from shop.models.customer import BaseCustomer, CustomerManager as BaseCustomerManager
from shop_subscribe.models import SubscriptionCustomerManagerMixin

class CustomerManager(SubscriptionCustomerManagerMixin, BaseCustomerManager):

class Customer(BaseCustomer):
    Specialised customer class for our additional fields
    subscription_newsletter = models.BooleanField(_("Newsletter"), default=True,
        help_text=_("Company news subscription"))
    subscription_cart_products = models.BooleanField(_("Watched Product Updates"), default=True,
        help_text=_("Subscription to product developments in your watch list or shopping trolley"))
    subscription_order_products = models.BooleanField(_("Purchased Product Updates"), default=False,
        help_text=_("Subscription to product developments you have purchased"))

    objects = CustomerManager()

The subscription management form will use the default Django modelform fields and widgets. Customising this form has not been considered!


The subscribe plugin comes with two namespaced URLs that are Django REST Framework endpoints:

  • subscribe: Used by the subscription form to sign up with just an email address. Visitors will be added as 'Unrecognized'. The email address used will receive an email asking the user to click a link to confirm their subscription.
  • confirm: The confirmation link contains a signature that authenticates the user. The form first recognizes the user as 'Guest'. The form then allows users to manage their subscriptions.

Please include these urls in your own urlconf, for example:

api_urls = [
    url(r'^api/', include([
        url(r'^shop/', include('shop.urls', namespace='shop')),
        url(r'^shop_subscribe/', include('shop_subscribe.urls')), # for email subscriptions
urlpatterns += [url(r'', include(api_urls))]


Two forms are provided, one for initial subscription, the other for confirming and managing subscriptions without the need to log in. The latter is useful for Guest users that are unable to log in.

Either form can be integrated into existing CMS placeholders using the CMS plugin called Subscriptions Form, which can be found in the Shop plugin section. The template rendered for either form can be overridden by creating the following templates in your shop app:

  • <SHOP_APP_LABEL>/shop_subscribe/subscribe-form.html
  • <SHOP_APP_LABEL>/shop_subscribe/confirm-form.html

These templates will be rendered with form and action context variables. Here is what the plugin should look like:

CMS Plugin

CMS plugin image

Subscription Form

Subscription form

Subscription form image

It is recommended that the subscription form is embedded into an existing product page, for example the product detail page. This can be acheived using the CMS plugin as above. Alternatively you may include the form directly into a template, for example:

<div class="col-md-4 text-center">
    {% include "shop_subscribe/subscribe-form.html" %}

An included template tag ensures the relevant context variables are available for rendering.

Confirmation Form

Confirmation form

Confirmation form image

The confirmation form can be on a CMS page as above, included in a standard Django template, or as a last resort, a default form is included that will be rendered by Django REST Framework.

Confirmation form email link URL resolution order:

  1. CMS page id (aka reverse_id): shop-subscribe-confirm;
  2. Django URL name: shop-subscribe-confirm;
  3. Default URL shop_subscribe:confirm which renders a default form.

Note: The confirmation page must be live when the subscription form is live and the URL must not be changed. Otherwise the confirmation email links sent out will not point to the correct URL.

Minimal Checkout Customer Form

Look for the Customer Form (minimal) CMS plugin. Note that any fields added to the Customer Model must be configured to allow blank form entries (blank=True and/or specify a default value) for correct operation.


To add subscriptions management to the customer admin, you must create your own customer admin module derived from the shop base module, like so:

from django.contrib import admin
from shop.admin.customer import CustomerProxy, CustomerAdminBase
from shop_subscribe.admin import SubscriptionsInlineAdmin

# Because Customer is attached to the user model, use this proxy model:
class CustomerAdmin(CustomerAdminBase):
    """Customised customeradmin class"""
    inlines = (SubscriptionsInlineAdmin,)