################ TEAM INFO ################ Name1: Paul Benoit EID1: pjb742 CS login: paulbeno Email: paul.benoit36@gmail.com Unique Number: 53015 Name2: Zoe Lamb EID2: zl2866 CS login: zoe Email: zlamb@utexas.edu Unique Number: 53005 Slip days used: None ################ ################ CS:APP Shell Lab ################ Files: Makefile # Compiles your shell program and runs the tests README # This file msh.c # A shell program that you will write and hand in mshref # The reference shell binary. util.c/h # Contains provided utilities jobs.c/h # Contains job helper routines design_doc.txt # Provide your answers to questions and explanations here #Files for Part 0 fib.c # Implement Fibonacci here psh.c # Implement prototype shell here #Files for Part 1 handle.c # Implementation Needed mykill.c # Implementation Needed # The remaining files are used to test your shell sdriver.pl # The trace-driven shell driver trace*.txt # The 16 trace files that control the shell driver mshref.out # Example output of the reference shell on all 16 traces # Little C programs that are called by the trace files myspin.c # Takes argument <n> and spins for <n> seconds mysplit.c # Forks a child that spins for <n> seconds mystop.c # Spins for <n> seconds and sends SIGTSTP to itself myint.c # Spins for <n> seconds and sends SIGINT to itself