Automatic updates for RHEL, Debian, and their derivatives, with the ability to run pre/post hooks & reboot afterwards.
- AlexxNica@nikas-org
- antonymH-E-B Digital
- APenketh
- brightcolor
- cookaKUKA Digital
- costingalanMambu
- dark-vex@draios
- davisj
- exploideGermany
- gretelDatadrivers GmbH
- grimsleydl
- kenny-thomas
- luiscachog@RedHatOfficial
- LukeShirniaRackspace
- mason-splunkSeattle, WA
- matschundbrei@mbrtargeting @stroeer
- matthewhammamServiops
- mattvaldes
- mifrost
- mn3m0nicsomewhere near
- MohamedElsiddigSyber Technology
- pierscLondon, UK
- Pingue
- popindavibeUK
- reaperzn@SplunkCloud
- ruthealeeLondon
- sarlalianLAIKA, LLC.
- schewaraVienna
- sfunkho
- snoordSydney, Australia
- tmalkowski
- vholerBrno, Czech Republic
- voorproever
- whereistejas@tablyinc, ex-@WiproOpenSource
- wohckcinnickchow.info
- yifz@rackerlabs