Racket Papers

Some research papers for the Racket ecosystem of languages, tools and libraries.

1. Introduction

This is an attempt to collate research papers relating to the Racket ecosystem of tools including the Racket language, DrRacket IDE, raco command line tools, Slideshow, Scribble and other tools and languages built with Racket.

To add a new publication create a PR to add a new file to the papers folder with the following text

#lang at-exp s-exp "bib.rkt"                                                       
@title{Typed Dataspace Actors}                                                     
@author{Caldwell, Garnock-Jones, Felleisen}                                        
@location{Journal of Functional Programming}                                       
@note{Also see the actual JFP version: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0956796820000246}

2. Acknowlegements

Thank you to all the Racketeers.

3. Papers

Typed Dataspace Actors, Caldwell, Garnock-Jones, Felleisen, Journal of Functional Programming, 2020[paper] Note: Also see the actual JFP version: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0956796820000246

Adding Interactive Visual Syntax to Textual Code, Andersen, Ballantyne, Felleisen, OOPSLA 2020, 2020[paper] Note:

Adding Interactive Visual Syntax to Textual Code(Video), Andersen, Ballantyne, Felleisen, OOPSLA 2020, 2020[video] Note:

Macros for Domain-Specific Languages, Ballantyne, King, Felleisen, OOPSLA2020-SPLASH2020, 2020[paper] Note:

Dependent Type Systems as Macros, Chang, Ballantyne, Turner, Bowman, POPL, 2020[paper] Note: PLT-TR-2010-1