Develop a classic Hangman game using Go (Golang) for the console. The game's primary goal is to guess a hidden word by suggesting letters, one at a time. The game will only display the number of incorrect guesses made.
Core Features:
Word Selection:
- The game should randomly select a word from a predefined list or a text file.
- Consider using different categories of words to add variety (e.g., animals, countries, food).
Guess Input:
- Allow the user to input a single letter at a time.
- Validate input to ensure it's a letter and hasn't been guessed before.
Game Logic:
- If the guessed letter is in the word, reveal its positions in the word.
- If the letter isn't in the word, increment the wrong guess counter.
- Display the current state of the word (e.g., "_ _ _ _ O") and the wrong guess count.
Winning/Losing Conditions:
- If the user guesses all the letters in the word, they win!
- If the wrong guess count reaches a maximum limit (e.g., 10), they lose.
Console Display:
- Use clear formatting to show the word's progress, wrong guesses, and any messages.
- Consider using colors or symbols to enhance the visual feedback.
Example Output:
Word: _ _ _ _ _
Wrong guesses: 0
Guess a letter: a
Word: _ a _ a _
Wrong guesses: 0
Take a guess: e
Word: _ a _ a _
Wrong guesses: 1
Fork this repository and create a pull request to this repository with your changes.
Let me know if you have any questions!