
Render *.drawio files to PNG or PDF files in a GitHub Action

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A GitHub Action for rendering *.drawio files generated with diagrams.net (formerly draw.io).

How to use

  1. Go to diagrams.net
  2. Choose to Save diagrams to: GitHub
    • Save diagrams dialog
  3. Choose Create New Diagram or Open Existing Diagram, depending on what you want to do
    • Open diagram dialog
  4. Authorize the app through OAuth2 if asked
    • Authorize GitHub dialog
  5. Choose a repository you want to browse files in
  6. Choose the branch the file you want to edit is in (the branch needs to already exist)
  7. Choose the file you want to edit (or create) in that repository folder structure (special-computing-machine here is just an example, you can choose any repo you have given diagrams.net access to)
    • Select file dialog
  8. You will now see the online editor, feel free to edit your diagram as you like
    • Example diagram
  9. As you make changes you will see a button stating Unsaved changes. Click here to save. appear
    • Unsaved changes button
  10. When you are ready to save your changes into a commit, click that button and write your commit message
  11. A commit has now been created in the given branch on your behalf
    • diagrams.net commit
  12. This GitHub Action detects the change, and automatically renders the "raw" .drawio file into the format(s) of your liking



Optional: A comma-separated list of the formats to render. All supported formats: svg,pdf,png,jpg

Default: svg


  • png,svg
  • pdf
  • png,pdf,svg,jpg


Optional: A comma-separated list of directories to consider when searching for .drawio files

Default: .


  • .
  • docs,content/sketches


Optional: A comma-separated list of directories to skip when searching for .drawio files

Default: .git


  • .git
  • foo/dont_include,bar/dont_include


Optional: A comma-separated list of specific files to convert, in the form dest-file=src-file

Default: Empty


  • docs/images/sketch.png:docs/drawings/sketch.drawio
  • docs/backup-sketch.pdf:docs/drawings/sketch.drawio.bak


Optional: Specify the log level, recognized levels are info and debug

Default: info


  • info
  • debug



A space-separated list of files that were rendered, can be passed to e.g. git add


  • test/sketch.svg test/sketch.png diagrams/intro.png

Usage Example

The following example GitHub Actions workflow pushes a new commit with the generated files.

name: Render .drawio files

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Render .drawio files
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Render .drawio files
      uses: docker://ghcr.io/racklet/render-drawio-action:v1
      with: # Showcasing the default values here
        formats: 'svg'
        sub-dirs: '.'
        skip-dirs: '.git'
        # files: '' # unset, specify `dest-file=src-file` mappings here
        log-level: 'info'
      id: render
    - name: List the rendered files
      run: 'ls -l ${{ steps.render.outputs.rendered-files }}'
    - name: Commit the rendered files
      uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v7
        # This makes the GH Actions user/bot the author of the commit
        default_author: github_actor
        message: 'Automatically render .drawio files'
        add: "${{ steps.render.outputs.rendered-files }}"
      if: "${{ steps.render.outputs.rendered-files != ''}}"


You can use it standalone as well, by running the Docker container directly:

$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/files ghcr.io/racklet/render-drawio-action:v1 --help
Usage of /render-drawio:
  -f, --files stringToString   Comma-separated list of files to render, of form 'dest-file=src-file'. The extension for src-file can be any of [drawio *], and for dest-file any of [pdf png jpg svg] (default [])
      --formats strings        Comma-separated list of formats to render the *.drawio files as, for use with --subdirs (default [svg])
      --log-level Level        What log level to use (default info)
  -r, --root-dir string        Where the root directory for the files that should be rendered are. (default "/files")
  -s, --skip-dirs strings      Comma-separated list of sub-directories of --root-dir to skip when recursively checking for files to convert (default [.git])
  -d, --sub-dirs strings       Comma-separated list of sub-directories of --root-dir to recursively search for files to render (default [.])
pflag: help requested

Sample usage with Docker:

$ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/files ghcr.io/racklet/render-drawio-action:v1
{"level":"info","msg":"Got config","cfg":{"RootDir":"/files","SubDirs":["."],"SkipDirs":[".git"],"Files":{},"SrcFormats":["drawio"],"ValidSrcFormats":["drawio","*"],"DestFormats":["svg"],"ValidDestFormats":["pdf","png","jpg","svg"]}}
{"level":"info","msg":"Created os.DirFS at /files"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Walking subDir ."}
{"level":"info","msg":"Rendering test/foo.drawio -> test/foo.svg"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Setting Github Action output","rendered-files":"/files/test/foo.svg"}
::set-output name=rendered-files::/files/test/foo.svg


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