
Using a UUID as PrimaryKey for Laravel 5.3+

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Using a UUID as PrimaryKey for Laravel 5.3+

PkUuids package use ramsey/uuid[https://github.com/ramsey/uuid] (official installed on 5.3+) to generate a UUID_v4(random) as primary key for Eloquent Model.

inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31817067/laravel-5-using-a-uuid-as-primary-key


  1. Use composer to add the package into your project using composer require racklin/pkuuids:dev-master


Use a UUID as primary key, we need to change $table->increments('id'); to $table->uuid('id')->primary();


Disable auto-increment primary key

Add $incrementing = false; to your Models.

Use Traits

Add use PkUuuids; to your Models.



namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Racklin\PkUuids\PkUuids;

class User extends Model
    use PkUuids;

    $incrementing = false;

Laravel version

Current package version works for Laravel 5.3+.