
Rackspace Heat template to deploy Minecraft server on a single server leveraging chef-solo

Primary LanguagePython




Getting Started

Review the settings for your server to make sure they are in line with the game you wish to run. For example, you can set whether or not to allow pvp. The configuration file is in /home/minecraft/. The server can be restarted by restarting the "minecraft-server" service.

Lock it down

This deployment will create a Cloud Server with Minecraft. Once the server is online, you should set a white-list in your server.properties file. This will lock down your server to only players you specify.

Logging in via SSH

The private key provided in the passwords section can be used to login as root via SSH. We have an article on how to use these keys with Mac OS X and Linux as well as Windows using PuTTY.


  • A Heat provider that supports the following:
    • OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
    • OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
    • OS::Nova::KeyPair
    • OS::Nova::Server
  • An OpenStack username, password, and tenant id.
  • python-heatclient >= v0.2.8:
pip install python-heatclient

We recommend installing the client within a Python virtual environment.


Parameters can be replaced with your own values when standing up a stack. Use the -P flag to specify a custom parameter.

  • minecraft_difficulty: Difficulty level for Minecraft. 0 - Peaceful, 1 - Easy, 2 - Normal, 3 - Hard (Default: 2)
  • minecraft_monsters: Enable or disable spawning of hostile mobs (Default: True)
  • minecraft_hardcore: Enable or disable Hardcore mode. In Hardcore mode, users will be banned from the server upon death (Default: False)
  • minecraft_animals: Enable or disable spawning of passive mobs (Default: True)
  • minecraft_npcs: Enable or disable spawning of villagers (Default: True)
  • minecraft_motd: Message to be displayed in the server list (Default: A Minecraft Server)
  • minecraft_max_players: Maximum number of players able to connect at any given time (Default: 20)
  • minecraft_online: Online mode requires clients to have a valid Minecraft account. (Default: True)
  • server_flavor: Flavor of Cloud Server to use for Minecraft (Default: 4 GB General Purpose v1)


Once a stack comes online, use heat output-list to see all available outputs. Use heat output-show <OUTPUT NAME> to get the value of a specific output.

  • minecraft_public_ip: Server Public IP
  • ssh_private_key: SSH Private Key

For multi-line values, the response will come in an escaped form. To get rid of the escapes, use echo -e '<STRING>' > file.txt. For vim users, a substitution can be done within a file using %s/\\n/\r/g.