
Get a jump-start on your next WordPress with ACF PRO build.

Primary LanguagePHP

Demo ACF Plugin

Fork it, or download the latest release, and make it your own!

Need a quick start plugin to kick-start your next WordPress and ACF PRO project? Look no further.


This plugin is intended to provide a starting point for you to incorporate into your everyday WordPress and ACF PRO work.

It is highly recommended you search and replace all strings with your own.

  1. Search for: demo_acf and replace with your own my_client
  2. Search for DEMO_ACF and replate with your own MY_CLIENT
  3. Be sure to update the plugin header at the top of demo-acf-plugin.php to your desired plugin name.

ACF Blocks

This demo plugin contains a few example ACF Blocks, which you can modify and use if you like. You can read more on each block.


Required You must have ACF PRO installed and activated in order to use the Demo ACF Plugin.


  1. Upload the Demo ACF Plugin folder to the plugins directory (typically wp-content/plugins) in your WordPress installation.
  2. Activate the Demo ACF Plugin.
  3. That's it.


0.1.2 – 2023-08-29

Added example of restricting access to ACF admin screens based on role && email domain, example: yourAgency.com. So builders can limit admin screens for their clients. See: includes/acf-restrict-access.php

0.1.1 – 2023-08-15

Initial release, which includes:

  • ACF feature-type JSON loading and saving locations: acf-json/field-groups, acf-json/options-pages, acf-json/post-types, acf-json/taxonomies
  • Example ACF Blocks: Phone Number
  • ACF Block helpers:
    • Add demo_acf_blocks options table entry for all blocks detected in /blocks
    • Use demo_acf_blocks options to register blocks
    • Register custom block category with block_categories_all
    • Example of acf/blocks/no_fields_assigned_message if ACF Block has no fields
  • Example Options Page for "Site Settings"