
This is a Python Journal Script for Windows to append information to a DirTree.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Python Journal Script for Windows to append information to a DirTree.


The python script was written and tested on a Windows 10 system and no other.
Additionally, because the script checks for cwd at init, it is recommended that
you call the file from the default location of command prompt.

Project Summary:

command-line prompt for entering information that is appended to a day-specific .txt
file at a designated location.


Allows you to create an entry that is filed by date in the appropriate directory branch.

Search(): Allows you to search files within a specified month for a chosen keyword. It then
returns a list of the files that contain the keyword as well as the option to open them
sequentially, after which the program terminates.

Looking Ahead:

The search function currently has no implementation and simply returns a makeshift
'Out of Order' message.

I plan to have it:

  1. Search by:
    [year, month, day(of the month or week), time span(between a and b)]
  2. Filter by:
    [date, time of day, other words in text]

I have no knowledge of how to search through files but plan to learn and implement
at least a basic functionality on or before 6.25.2020 to allow for at minimum a single
keyword search.


6.25.2020: Added search function that allows for single keyword lookups.