
SpeciesTopoTestR: Likelihood-based hypothesis tests of species topologies in R

Primary LanguageR

SpeciesTopoTestR: Likelihood-based hypothesis tests of species topologies in R

NOTE See the file https://github.com/radamsRHA/SpeciesTopoTestR/blob/master/SpeciesTopoTestR.pdf for detailed instructions

Installing R package SpeciesTopoTestR from github

The R package SpeciesTopoTestR is freely available to download and distribute from github https://github.com/radamsRHA/SpeciesTopoTestR/. To install and load SpeciesTopoTestR, you must first install the R package devtools,


Now using devtools we can install SpeciesTopoTestR from github:

library(SpeciesTopoTestR) # Load package 

SpeciesTopoTestR also requires the following dependencies to be installed:


And the following external software is required to be install and in your $PATH:

These two software packages can also be found in the https://github.com/radamsRHA/SpeciesTopoTestR/inst/extdata directory.
For OSX (mac) this means that the executable stells-v2-1-0-1-mac must be installed and in your path.
For linux, the executable stells-v2-1-0-1-linux64 must be installed and in your path.
Additionally, the executable hybrid-Lambda must also be in your path if you want to test network hybridizations.

This can also be added manually to the $PATH using the following example command lines (opening the terminal and typing the following commands):

export PATH=$PATH:/home/adamsr/PROGRAMS/STELLS2-master/
export PATH=$PATH:/home/adamsr/PROGRAMS/hybrid-Lambda-dev/

where /home/adamsr/PROGRAMS/ is replaced with the system path to your install directories.

IMPORTANT: Both the executables for STELLS2 must be found in your $PATH command line argument
IMPORTANT: For network testing, the executables for HYBRID-LAMBDA must be found in your $PATH command line argument

To begin using SpeciesTopoTestR try using the examples associated with each function. Importantly, the three tests implemented by SpeciesTopoTest R (KH* SH*, and SOWH*) can be conducted using the primary function Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR with specific options. See examples below:

Example: KH* Test

We can use Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR with option "KH" to run the KH* test for a given datasets. First, let's load the R package SpeciesTopoTestR and its dependancies:

# Load depends #

Now, let's specify a target topology S1 and load some example gene trees (also simulated from S11) for the KH* test:

# Generate example species trees #
handle.SpeciesTree1 <- read.tree(text = "(A:1.0,(B:0.5,(C:1.0,D:1.0):1.5):0.5);")

handle.Simulated_GeneTrees <-  system.file("extdata", "ExampleGeneTreeSet.tree", package="SpeciesTopoTestR")
handle.Simulated_GeneTrees <- read.tree(file = handle.Simulated_GeneTrees)

Next, let's conduct the KH* test using an alternative topology S2

# Alternative topology S2 #
handle.SpeciesTree2 <- read.tree(text = "(C:1.0,(B:0.5,(A:1.0,D:1.0):1.5):0.5);")

# Combined S1 and S2 into a single list #
handle.SpeciesTopologies <- list()
class(handle.SpeciesTopologies) <- "multiPhylo"
handle.SpeciesTopologies[[1]] <- handle.SpeciesTree1
handle.SpeciesTopologies[[2]] <- handle.SpeciesTree2

# RUN KH* test #

RESULTS <- Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR(handle.Topologies2Test = handle.SpeciesTopologies,
                         handle.GeneTrees = handle.Simulated_GeneTrees,
                         numeric.NumberOfReps = 100,
                         string.Test = "KH", # RUN KH* test
                         numeric.Algorithm = 1,  # RUN KH* test with Algorithm 2
                         boo.Networks = F, # No network topologies
                         string.PathDir = '~/Desktop/')
RESULTS$TwoSided_Pvalue # The two-tailed p-value is the final p-value

Example: SH* Test

We can use Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR with option "SH" to run the SH* test for a given datasets.

We will define three total topologies that will be placed in a multiPhylo list object handle.SpeciesTopologies alongside the target topology handle.SpeciesTree1:

# Generate example species trees #
handle.SpeciesTree2 <- read.tree(text = "(C:1.0,(B:0.5,(A:1.0,D:1.0):1.5):0.5);")
handle.SpeciesTree3 <- read.tree(text = "(D:1.0,(B:0.5,(A:1.0,C:1.0):1.5):0.5);")
handle.SpeciesTopologies <- list()
class(handle.SpeciesTopologies) <- "multiPhylo"

handle.SpeciesTopologies[[1]] <- handle.SpeciesTree3
handle.SpeciesTopologies[[2]] <- handle.SpeciesTree2
handle.SpeciesTopologies[[3]] <- handle.SpeciesTree1

Let's conduct the SH* test:

RESULTS <- Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR(handle.Topologies2Test = handle.SpeciesTopologies,
                         handle.GeneTrees = handle.Simulated_GeneTrees,
                         numeric.NumberOfReps = 100,
                         string.Test = "SH", # RUN SH* test
                         numeric.Algorithm = 1,  # RUN SH* test with Algorithm 1
                         boo.Networks = F, # No network topologies
                         string.PathDir = '~/Desktop/')

Example: SWOH* Test

We can use Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR with option "SOWH" to run the SWOH* test for a given datasets.

Next, let's run the SWOH* test using this focal topology:

# Build multiPhylo list to hold the single topology #
handle.SpeciesTopologies <- list()
class(handle.SpeciesTopologies) <- "multiPhylo"
handle.SpeciesTopologies[[1]] <- handle.SpeciesTree1

RESULTS <- Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR(handle.Topologies2Test = handle.SpeciesTopologies,
                         handle.GeneTrees = handle.Simulated_GeneTrees,
                         numeric.NumberOfReps = 100,
                         string.Test = "SOWH", # RUN SOWH* test
                         numeric.Algorithm = 1,  # RUN SOWH* test with Algorithm 1
                         boo.Networks = F, # No network topologies
                         string.PathDir = '~/Desktop/')

We can also run the SOWH* test using a different topology to compare the results:

# Build multiPhylo list to hold the single topology #
handle.SpeciesTopologies <- list()
class(handle.SpeciesTopologies) <- "multiPhylo"
handle.SpeciesTopologies[[1]] <- handle.SpeciesTree2

RESULTS <- Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR(handle.Topologies2Test = handle.SpeciesTopologies,
                                    handle.GeneTrees = handle.Simulated_GeneTrees,
                                    numeric.NumberOfReps = 100,
                                    string.Test = "SOWH", # RUN SOWH* test
                                    numeric.Algorithm = 1,  # RUN SOWH* test with Algorithm 1
                                    boo.Networks = F, # No network topologies
                                    string.PathDir = '~/Desktop/')

NOTE: formatting networks for SpeciesTopoTestR

SpeciesTopoTestR uses the same format as the program PHYLONET (https://bioinfocs.rice.edu/phylonet) for network-based species topologies. Instead of placing network topologies in a multiPhylo list object, we simply uses the strings describing the topologies.

We can use the following example by placing two topology strings string.SpeciesNetwork and string.SpeciesNetwork_2 into a single list list.SpeciesTopologies:

# Generate example species network #
string.SpeciesNetwork <- "(((((C:1.0,D:1.0):1)#H1:0::0.25,A:1.0):2,B:1.0):2,#H1:0::0.75);"
string.SpeciesNetwork_2 <- "((A:1,B:1):1,(C:1,D:1):1);"

list.SpeciesTopologies <- list()
list.SpeciesTopologies[[1]] <- string.SpeciesNetwork
list.SpeciesTopologies[[2]] <- string.SpeciesNetwork_2

Conduct.SpeciesTopoTestR(handle.Topologies2Test = list.SpeciesTopologies,
                         handle.GeneTrees = handle.Simulated_GeneTrees,
                         numeric.NumberOfReps = 3,
                         string.Test = "KH",
                         numeric.Algorithm = 3,
                         boo.Networks = T,
                         string.PathDir = '~/Desktop/',
                         numeric.MaxReticulations = 1)