Getting started.

This repository contains a simple set of files for playing with Snakemake on the NIH Biowulf cluster. Clone this repository into a convenient place in your data directory:

git clone

This will create a directory called SimpleSnakemakeTutorial that contains:

|-- Snakefile
|-- bam
|   |-- SRR015353.bam
|   |-- SRR015354.bam
|   |-- SRR039129.bam
|   |-- SRR039130.bam
|   |-- SRR039131.bam
|   |-- SRR039132.bam
|   |-- SRR039133.bam
|   |-- SRR039134.bam
|   |-- SRR039135.bam
|   `-- SRR039136.bam
|-- bampost.snk

Example snakemake commands:

Before working with snakemake, you will need to run:

module load python/3.3.2

This loads the python/3.3.2 libraries, including the snakemake executable. Note that this will also change the python executable to be python version 3.3.2. To change back, do module unload python/3.3.2.

See the snakemake documentation for more details, but a few quick commands can get you started.

snakemake -n
snakemake --summary
snakemake -n --printshellcmds
snakemake -n --dag
module load graphviz
snakamake -n --forceall --dag | dot -Tsvg > dag.svg
snakemake cleanup
snakemake -j 8
snakemake cleanup
qsub -l nodes=1:gpfs