r2retdec is a bridge in between radare2 and retdec and decompiles individual functions. It also provides summary of strings, xrefs and calls for a function. The various windows are mouse scrollable and draggable.
Install from r2pm.
r2pm init
r2pm update
r2pm -i r2retdec
- Create a file in $HOME call .r2retdec and put the full path to retdec-decompiler.sh in it.
- A basic installation script is included in this repo. retdec_install.sh
r2pm -u r2retdec
usage: $dec [-h] [-p] [-t FILE]
r2retdec help
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t TMP Set temp file for decompiled code
-p Print dicompilation to stdout
--python Print decompilation in python syntax. Default is C
Invoke from inside r2 shell with $dec
- Press
in visual mode for visual mode help
Needs a locally compiled retdec available from https://github.com/avast-tl/retdec
- Node version 8 and 9
- Ubuntu 16.04 Vagrant
- Mac OSX 10.12
(32b only): Intel x86, ARM, MIPS, PIC32, and PowerPC.