
Wrong target for http://radare.org link top right

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Should go to http://radare.org but goes to http://radare.today/about (404)

you can edit this by using the pencil icon in github that will create an automatic pullreq

On 25 May 2016, at 15:14, Sven Steinbauer notifications@github.com wrote:

Should go to http://radare.org http://radare.org/ but goes to http://radare.today/about http://radare.today/about (404)

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I assume this is the about link, which is already set correctly in the config.toml file. I can't see where else to edit this?

It seems like that this link is a part of theme, but it have not been pushed to GitHub.
@radare, could you push it?

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