
Create a grunt-based preprocessor for your web project. And do it now!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Grunt Boilerplate aka CodeKit Killah

  • Watch for changes in .scss and .js
  • Compile .scss
  • Lint, concatenate and minify .js
  • Optimize images (See "Additional Tasks" below)

Technical Notes

First, make sure the Grunt CLI and grunt-init are installed globally.

`npm install -g grunt-cli`
`npm install -g grunt-init`

Second, clone the grunt-init template locally:

`git clone git@github.com:radarseven/grunt-boilerplate.git ~/.grunt-init/codekitkillah`

Now, cd into your project directory.

Initialize codekitkillah (note codekitkillah could be any name you desire):

`grunt-init codekitkillah`

Install all dependencies in package.json. (Note, you may need to run as sudo user):

`npm install`

To begin watching .js and .scss files run Grunt:

`grunt watch`

Additional Tasks

Image Optimization

To optimize images run:

`grunt imagemin`

This will optimize all images in /assets/img/ and save them to /assets/img/min/.


  • Solution to handle javascript plugins
