MLBox is a powerful Automated Machine Learning python library. It provides the following features:
- Fast reading and distributed data preprocessing/cleaning/formatting
- Highly robust feature selection and leak detection
- Accurate hyper-parameter optimization in high-dimensional space
- State-of-the art predictive models for classification and regression (Deep Learning, Stacking, LightGBM,...)
- Prediction with models interpretation
For more details, please refer to the official documentation
Getting started: 30 seconds to MLBox
MLBox main package contains 3 sub-packages : preprocessing, optimisation and prediction. Each one of them are respectively aimed at reading and preprocessing data, testing or optimising a wide range of learners and predicting the target on a test dataset.
Here are a few lines to import the MLBox:
from mlbox.preprocessing import *
from mlbox.optimisation import *
from mlbox.prediction import *
Then, all you need to give is :
- the list of paths to your train datasets and test datasets
- the name of the target you try to predict (classification or regression)
paths = ["<file_1>.csv", "<file_2>.csv", ..., "<file_n>.csv"] #to modify
target_name = "<my_target>" #to modify
Now, let the MLBox do the job !
... to read and preprocess your files :
data = Reader(sep=",").train_test_split(paths, target_name) #reading
data = Drift_thresholder().fit_transform(data) #deleting non-stable variables
... to evaluate models (here default configuration):
Optimiser().evaluate(None, data)
... or to test and optimize the whole Pipeline [OPTIONAL]:
- missing data encoder, aka 'ne'
- categorical variables encoder, aka 'ce'
- feature selector, aka 'fs'
- meta-features stacker, aka 'stck'
- final estimator, aka 'est'
NB : please have a look at all the possibilities you have to configure the Pipeline (steps, parameters and values...)
space = {
'ne__numerical_strategy' : {"space" : [0, 'mean']},
'ce__strategy' : {"space" : ["label_encoding", "random_projection", "entity_embedding"]},
'fs__strategy' : {"space" : ["variance", "rf_feature_importance"]},
'fs__threshold': {"search" : "choice", "space" : [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]},
'est__strategy' : {"space" : ["XGBoost"]},
'est__max_depth' : {"search" : "choice", "space" : [5,6]},
'est__subsample' : {"search" : "uniform", "space" : [0.6,0.9]}
best = opt.optimise(space, data, max_evals = 5)
... finally to predict on the test set with the best parameters (or None for default configuration):
Predictor().fit_predict(best, data)
That's all ! You can have a look at the folder "save" where you can find :
- your predictions
- feature importances
- drift coefficients of your variables (0.5 = very stable, 1. = not stable at all)
How to Contribute
MLBox has been developed and used by many active community members. Your help is very valuable to make it better for everyone.
- Check out call for contributions to see what can be improved, or open an issue if you want something.
- Contribute to the tests to make it more reliable.
- Contribute to the documents to make it clearer for everyone.
- Contribute to the examples to share your experience with other users.
- Open issue if you met problems during development.
For more details, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.