
Processing platform for Deuterium Metabolic Imaging (DMI)



DMIWizard is an open-source, Matlab-based graphical user interface (GUI) for the processing of 1D MR spectroscopy (MRS) and 3D MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data. While DMIWizard can process data from all MR-visible nuclei, emphasis is placed on deuterium metabolic spectroscopy (DMS) and deuterium metabolic imaging (DMI).

Version 1.2 (v1.2) was aimed at providing a platform for the processing and evaluation of DMS/DMI data during the experiment, generation of quality assurance parameter maps (SNR, line width, line shifts) and qualitative DMI maps overlaying MR images. Version 1.3 (v1.3) incorporates spectral fitting and the generation of quantitative DMI maps.

Details about basic operations can be found in the manual, located in .../DMIWizard_v1.3/DMIWizard_v1.3_Manual.pdf. A short introduction video can be found on the Yale MRRC website (https://medicine.yale.edu/lab/dmi/education/videos/). DMIWizard is continuously under development and comments on bugs and improvements are greatly appreciated. Please contact Robin de Graaf (robin.degraaf@yale.edu) with questions, comments or requests.

DMIWizard can be acknowledged by citing the GitHub page, the Yale MRRC DMI website and/or the following publication: Henk M De Feyter, Kevin L Behar, Zachary A Corbin, Robert K Fulbright, Peter B Brown, Scott McIntyre, Terence W Nixon, Douglas L Rothman, Robin A de Graaf Deuterium metabolic imaging (DMI) for MRI-based 3D mapping of metabolism in vivo Sci Adv 4(8):eaat7314 (2018) (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aat7314)