FFMediaToolkit is a cross-platform video decoder/encoder library for .NET that uses FFmpeg native libraries. It supports video frames extraction, reading stream metadata and creating videos from bitmaps in any format supported by FFmpeg.
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Update readme
#140 opened by naice - 1
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How to decode byte array from Websocket?
#116 opened by VictorZhanUnity - 0
ImageData.Stride calculation
#135 opened by MAtt5816 - 1
Failed to open the media stream
#133 opened by seminda - 0
ImageData.Data Stride Estimation
#134 opened by Scubaboy - 5
Reset MediaFile Stream position?
#122 opened by tottaka - 1
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Cannot send a packet to the decoder. Error code: -1094995529 : Invalid data found when processing input
#132 opened by Khhs167 - 10
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System.NotSupportedException on MediaBuilder.CreateContainer(@"C:\videos\example.mp4")
#129 opened by Tarcash - 0
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TryGetFrame set Timeout
#127 opened by Bedrock99 - 3
Bounty $$ -- FFMediaToolkit.FFmpegException: 'Failed to open video encoder. Error code: -542398533 : Generic error in an external library'
#124 opened by kobaz - 0
Adding frames at a variable frame rate
#126 opened by Miticoval - 1
How to convert ImageData to SkiaSharp.SkiBitmap
#123 opened by SamGuoMsft - 0
Encoding ImageData into a stream
#121 opened by behzad62 - 16
Unable to load DLL 'avutil.56' error
#100 opened by srht - 2
ImageSharp image -> ImageData ?
#119 opened by NnWinter - 0
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Fatal error. System.AccessViolationException when trying to dispose video stream
#114 opened by ggolda - 0
Select Codec By Name
#118 opened by Nikey646 - 3
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Combining two videos
#115 opened by DaveHooper2 - 0
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Phone created portrait video frames shows rotated
#95 opened by artkh24 - 2
FfmpegException: Cannot decode a video frame with dimensions different than the previous one.
#105 opened by ggolda - 5
End of file copying frames - but number of output frames doesn't equal number of input frames
#113 opened by voltagex - 1
MediaFile.Audio.TryGetNextFrame overloads?
#112 opened by tottaka - 2
Audio transcoding
#88 opened by Salmondx - 1
Transposing video?
#111 opened by tottaka - 8
StreamsToLoad AudioVideo has no effect
#110 opened by hey-red - 3
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Request to provide basic code example for video conversion/compression
#106 opened by AlessandroMartinelli - 6
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Field not found when creating container with video
#101 opened by oiproks - 1
Maintain ration of input no resize
#102 opened by Norc89 - 0
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#94 opened by Lua12138 - 1
about rtsp/rtmp
#93 opened by zero16832 - 0
MediaStream threshold is currently hardcoded
#92 opened by ggolda - 1
Downloading M3U8 Streams
#90 opened by InteXX - 1