
CoffeeScript, JavaScript, JSON, Eco, Mustache, HTML as CommonJS/1.1 Modules

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

grunt-apps-c Built with Grunt

CoffeeScript, JavaScript, JSON, Eco, Mustache, HTML as CommonJS/1.1 Modules. AMD/CommonJS/window external interface.

Quick start

Example Gruntfile.coffee:

module.exports = (grunt) ->
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json")
                src: [ 'src/**/*.{coffee,litcoffee,js,json,eco,mustache}' ]
                dest: 'build/app.js'
                    main: 'src/index.js'
                    name: 'MyApp'


    grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'apps_c' ])

You can now include the build/app.js file and, depending on your surrounding environment, you will be able to load it using RequireJS/AMD, CommonJS or straight from window under the MyApp key.


Main module

The options.main property specifies which file will be considered the "main" one for your package. Somehow, the external world needs to know what to get when they call require(package_name). If you do not specify this property the following actions are taken:

  1. We try make use of the property main as specified in your app's package.json file. Failing that, we...
  2. try to find the index.[js|coffee] file that is closest to the root of your sources.

Package name

The options.name overrides the name of the package in package.json. It specified the name of the exported package as in: require(name). One can pass in an array of names, as alternatives, as well.

Loader only

Sometimes the occasion calls for a loader to be separated out into its own file. One might want, for example, include a loader, then vendor dependencies and then the actual app build.

To create a build in dest without the loader included:

module.exports = (grunt) ->
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json")
                src: [ 'src/**/*.{coffee,js,eco,mustache}' ]
                dest: 'build/app.js'
                    main:   'src/index.js'
                    name:   'MyApp'
                    loader: no


    grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'apps_c' ])

Notice the boolean loader option.

By the same token, you might want to produce only a loader:

module.exports = (grunt) ->
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json")
                dest: 'build/loader.js'


    grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'apps_c' ])

Notice that we are asking for a loader target and are providing only dest; file location where our loader will be created.


The filetypes you can use (handlers) are listed in tasks/. The base filename of a handler represents the extension we match against.

Languages that have an * after them support linting.

Programming languages


CoffeeScript is a programming language that transcompiles to JavaScript. The language adds syntactic sugar inspired by Ruby, Python and Haskell to enhance JavaScript's brevity and readability, adding additional features like list comprehension and pattern matching.

Besides being used as an ordinary programming language, CoffeeScript may also be written in "literate" mode. If you name your file with a .litcoffee extension, you can write it as a Markdown document — a document that also happens to be executable CoffeeScript code. The compiler will treat any indented blocks (Markdown's way of indicating source code) as code, and ignore the rest as comments.


Save your module with a .js extension and it will be copied into the build.

Templating languages


Eco templates come precompiled so when you require them, you get back a function that accepts a context and returns a string back that you inject into DOM.

An example:

var template = require('./templates/layout.eco');
$('body').html(template({ 'name': 'Radek' }));

Mustache, HTML

Mustache templates are transpiled into an exported string, so you need to use a library to compile it into a template that can actually be rendered.

For example, to use them inside canJS you can do the following:

var template = require('./templates/layout.html');
can.view.mustache('layout', template);

Data Objects


Save your file as a JSON and it will be exported to you as a JavaScript object.


CommonJS/1.1 Modules

The following template wraps your modules:

// filename.coffee
require.register('package/path.coffee', function(exports, require, module) {
    // ...

You can debug all the registered modules in a browser like so:




  • Breaking change: Use a CommonJS loader from Brunch instead of our own. Need to require files with their original file extension too.


  • Support HTML files which are exported as a string.


  • Create folders, mkdir -p, for our builds if they do not exist already.


  • Transpile JSON into JS functions exported as modules.


  • Detect duplicates as when say .coffee and .eco files are both transpiled into one and the same output module.


  • Allow having a build without a loader and one without any sources. This allows us to include our loader on the page, then vendor dependencies that could be using it and then our app build.
  • Fix bug in resolving modules preventing us from throwing an informative error message when a module is not found.


  • Showing line number when error is thrown in a task (CoffeeScript atmo).


  • Support for Mustache logic-less templates. Templates are transpiled into an exported string so you need to then feed it into your particular implementation like canJS.

Used by

  1. intermine-apps-c - collection of InterMine apps
  2. pomme.js - JS frames communication
  3. deadmonton - visualizing crime in Edmonton
  4. github-burndown-chart