To run the POC:

  1. rails db:reset db:migrate
  2. redis-server
  3. bundle exec rake dispatch_window_channels_monitor:run
  4. rails s

To create order:

curl -X POST \ http://localhost:3000/api/orders

To pick an order:

replace the order id in the request body
curl -X POST \ http://localhost:3000/api/drivers/pick \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "order_id": "69bac661-75d0-4cf1-991d-c0e8dc41910d" }'

To flush redis:

curl -X POST \ http://localhost:3000/api/utils/flush_redis

Locust Load Test

  1. install locust here
  2. pip install polling
  3. cd to #{PROJECT_ROOT}/load_test/locust
  4. locust -f UserLocust DriverLocust
  5. go to for locust dashboard
  6. start test from dashboard

load test configurations

#{PROJECT_ROOT}/load_test/locust/ Test special configs:

    how frequent a driver checks the order list

Locust configs:

  • host:
    The host

  • min_wait & max_wait:
    In addition to the task_set attribute, one usually wants to declare the min_wait and max_wait attributes. These are the minimum and maximum time respectively, in milliseconds, that a simulated user will wait between executing each task. min_wait and max_wait default to 1000, and therefore a locust will always wait 1 second between each task if min_wait and max_wait are not declared.

  • weight: You can run two locusts from the same file like so:

    locust -f WebUserLocust MobileUserLocust If you wish to make one of these locusts execute more often you can set a weight attribute on those classes. Say for example, web users are three times more likely than mobile users:

   class WebUserLocust(Locust):
        weight = 3
   class MobileUserLocust(Locust):
        weight = 1