
Coverity Gradle Plugin

Primary LanguageGroovy


Coverity Gradle Plugin

This plugin is designed to enable Coverity coverage while using gradle as a build tool.

Integrating coverity plugin with gradle

Building the jar manually

  • Clone the repository
  • Run gradlew jar
  • Copy build/libs/coverityplugin-.jar to your favorite artifact repo

Use artifact from github

buildscript {
  repositories {
    url //Path to local artifact
  dependencies { 
    classpath 'naedward.gradle:coverityplugin:0.7.0'
apply plugin: 'coverity'

Configure Coverity

Use the coverity closure in your gradle build script

coverity {
   intermediateDir                //Define the intermediate directory. Default [false]
   commitDefectsStreamName        //Name of stream, Required
   commitDefectsXmlConfig         //File object, coverity configuration xml file, used to define the coverity host server and username/password for pushing defects, Required 
   analyzeNumWorkers              //Number of worker threads to use when using analyze task, Default [auto] VM's have issues with --auto
   includeTestSource              //Set to true to detect defects in your test source.  Default [false]
   excludes                       //Specify regex pattern to exclude files from being analyzed. Default []

Coverity Tasks

  • covAnalyze - Performs a coverity analysis on the intermediate directory.
  • covCommit - Pushes analysis to coverity server
  • covEmit - Processes all the compiled files ready to be analyzed
  • covManageEmit - Manages intermediate directory