
AutoLedger - Reinvent Vehicle Registration, Ownership and beyond using ResilientDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Contributors

Radhika Gupta(Led the team, extensive contributor for Full-stack development, Major Contributor for UI design)

Redesigned the complete UI in last 48 hours of presentation

  1. Initial GitHub Setup: Established the initial GitHub repository, laying the groundwork for our project's version control and collaboration.

  2. Leadership and Coordination: Led the project. Took the initiative in organizing team meetings, fostering effective communication, and ensuring coordinated efforts towards our project goals.

  3. Technology Evaluation: Tested and evaluated various technologies, including GraphQL, ResVallet, and different SDKs, to determine the best fit for our project's needs.

  4. GraphQL Query Development: Collaborated with Siva to develop and optimize GraphQL queries, ensuring they met our project requirements.

  5. Frontend API Integration: Integrated all the necessary API calls into the frontend, ensuring smooth interaction between the front and back ends.

  6. UI Enhancements: Worked with Arvind to significantly enhance the user interface across all pages, improving both design and usability.

  7. Testing and Debugging: In collaboration with Siva, involved in thorough testing of the API integration, identifying and fixing errors to enhance application stability.

  8. Error Notification Implementation: Implemented toast notifications for error reporting and API responses, improving user experience with real-time feedback.

  9. Rewrote the Insurance: The page was initially built by other members of the team but had major issues, including unnecessary fields and the absence of useState to store the values.

Siva(Extensive Contributor for Backend Development)

  1. Backend servers configuration Installed and configured ResilientDB’s KV server, HTTP Crow server, and GraphQL server (all backend servers) as we built our project on our local instance and orchestrated their seamless integration.

  2. GraphQL Queries development Led the design and development of backend APIs (POST, GET, GETALL, UPDATE) for both ‘user’ and ‘car’ assets, rigorously testing them on the local GraphQL server. (Extensive Contributor)

  3. Backend API Integration Ensured that all the necessary API calls that are invoked from the frontend are smoothly integrated into the backend and returns appropriate payload that can be seamlessly utilized by the frontend.

4.Testing and Debugging In collaboration with Radhika, actively involved in the testing of all frontend-backend interactions, ensuring correct API calls getting invoked and optimized the backend code accordingly based on errors seen during testing.

Arvind(Major Contributor for Frontend Development)

  1. Core Page Development: Developed key pages, including the homepage, search page, rewrote the service center page, and registration page, focusing on user-centric design for seamless navigation and cohesive aesthetics.

  2. User Experience Enhancement with Cookies: Integrated cookies to improve user experience and streamline session management, making the application more intuitive and user-friendly.

  3. Interactive Feature Implementation: Designed and implemented engaging interactive elements, such as a modal-based registration form and a sophisticated vehicle information page using card components. Also developed an adaptive navbar that intelligently displays components based on user roles, enhancing the user interface.

  4. Integration of Team Members' Work: Efficiently integrated the DMV page, user profile, and sign-up page and footer developed by teammates, Aakash and Disha. Focused on significantly improving the UI and design of these pages.

  5. Front-End Validation for Data Integrity: Implemented front-end validation mechanisms to maintain data accuracy and enhance user interaction, providing immediate feedback to users on all pages.

  6. Frontend Testing: Thoroughly tested the frontend, ensuring all components worked perfectly and contributed to a flawless user experience.


  1. Setup: Played a key role in including the establishment of a resilient database on my local machine. Collaborated with Siva to configure various components such as ResilientDB's key-value server, HTTP Crow server, and GraphQL server.

  2. Elevated the user interface by introducing additional components (footer, links, and GitHub icon).

  3. Participated in discussions with Radhika for UI enhancement.

  4. Built frontend foundation for insurance, service center page, and user profile, registration, and signup page.


  1. Research about Existing Systems: Did extensive research to study features that are there and that are missing in the current existing system. Ultimately, found a platform "vehiclehistory.com", which formed the basis for designing the schema and the features of the AutoLedger.

  2. Frontend Development and Refinement: The primary focus was on the development and refinement of key pages, particularly the DMV pages within the React framework. This involved seamlessly incorporating features like adding and modifying car entry pages.

  3. API Call Request Structure Creation: Collaborated closely with Siva to help in the creation of a well-defined API call request structure, which ensures effective communication between the frontend & backend components.

  4. Project Overview Blog Website: Took the initiative to create a Blog website for external stakeholders, providing a simplified and accessible overview of our project, making it easy for others to comprehend our objectives, progress, and achievements.

Siva, Disha, Radhika, Arvind, Aakash

  1. Part of designing the architecture for the AutoLedger application, defining the comprehensive technologies to be used for full-stack development.

  2. Contributed significantly to the design of API schemas catering to diverse user roles, ensuring seamless integration of functionalities.

Special credits to Aakash for the blog website.