A CSV database of UK postal out codes relating them to general co-ordinates, towns, counties and countries.
- anhtien228Home Credit Vietnam
- bogstandardLondon / Brighton / UK
- bram-pkg@carandclassic
- chillwebdesignsChill Web Designs
- FabiandesUniversity of Warwick
- hmtkynKahramanmaraş, Türkiye
- iamaviator
- luocanfengShanghai, China
- mukabron
- psizer10
- Samueljh1UK
- SarunasKnabikas
- sergeynilovIvano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
- skeptical5
- slawoszRuby, JS, Golang contractor
- snowmeisterThreat Status Limited
- tanmaydattaMonzo
- thenightbishop
- therealtimhawkinsBristol
- TrplMSouth Africa