
Django tutorial polls app as a starting point for third party tutorials

Primary LanguagePython


This is a functional implementation of the official Django tutorial. It should only be used for experimentation and demonstration purposes, it is unsuitable for use as a base for production sites.

Running this project

To get this project running:

# Create and activate a virtualenv using your favourite method
python -mvenv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Clone and install requirements
git clone https://github.com/radiac/django-tutorial-starter.git tutorial
cd tutorial
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser
./manage.py runserver 0:8000

In this project

The project aims to follow the official tutorial as closely as practical, while tweaking things enough to be useful.

There are the following changes:

  • Project requirements are defined in requirements.in and pinned to requirements.txt using pip-tools.
  • All polls templates have been wrapped in {% block content %}, and extend mysite/templates/base.html, which includes a placeholder static site.css and site.js.
  • No background image in polls/static/polls/style.css.
  • No admin template override (no file at templates/admin/base_site.html).
  • Root url / redirects to /polls/ for convenience.
  • Minor changes may be introduced by black and isort.

We will aim to keep this repository up-to-date with the latest LTS release of Django.

Why does this exist?

This repository is intended as a starting point for tutorials of third party apps.

Given its prominence, most Django developers will already be familiar with the official tutorial, or at least the features it uses. Developers can point their users at this repo to give them a tutorial foundation which is simple enough to be easy to understand, but just complex enough to be well-suited to build into more advanced concepts.

It also serves as a good template for building an example project in your own repo.

Used by

This project is currently used by:



  • Initial release using Django 3.2 and associated tutorial