
anorm macros magic!

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AnorMacro [Anorm macros magic]

This library is utility to bring some syntax sugar to Play Anorm.

It was inspired by old Anorm Magic variant. Unfortunately, since 2.x version there is no such magic feature. So current realization can cause boilerplate code to use parsers

But since Scala 2.10 we have Scala macros! With its help I tried to simplify working with parser and table.


Add library to your build.sbt:

    resolvers ++= Seq(
      "Local Play Repository" at "file://home/radiant/play/play-2.2.0/repository/local"
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "anorm-macros" % "anorm-macros_2.10" % "1.0-SNAPSHOT",


This library heavy use quasiquotes and macro annotations. To use it you will need macro paradise extension.

Just add following lines to build.sbt:

    resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
    addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-lang.plugins" % "macro-paradise" % "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT" cross CrossVersion.full)

The library was tested for Scala 2.10.2, sbt 0.13.0.


At first, you must setup you DAO object:

    import ru.radiant.anormacro._

    case class Person(id: Pk[Long], @Column("full_name") name: String, @Parser("int") age: Int)

    object Person extends SimpleTable[Person]("table_name")

So you have to:

  1. import package
  2. add @Table annotation to case class (@Column and @Parser annotations are optional)
  3. Extend object companion with SimpleTable abstract class and specify table name

After macros execution on compilation phase you can use:

  • & - helper object:
    object & {
        val id   = id("table_name.id")
        val name = str("table_name.full_name")
        val age  = int("table_name.age")
  • * - default parser for all columns:
    def * = &.id ~ &.name ~ &.age map(flatten) map(t => (Person.apply _).tupled(t))
  • all helper methods from SimpleTable as usual :)

Helper methods


    def all: List[T]
    def all(where: String, params: anorm.ParameterValue[_]*): List[T]
    def allOn(where: String, params: (scala.Any, anorm.ParameterValue[_])*): List[T]


    def getBy(where: String, params: anorm.ParameterValue[_]*): Option[T]

Feel free to create your own finders. For example:

    def getById(id: Long): Option[T]
    def getById(id: Pk[Long]): Option[T]


To simplify Or you can use defaults ConnSource:

    import ru.radiant.anormacro.conf.Defaults._


It will cause running DB.withConnection { .. } for each db request. So it will be get connection from default connection pool.

To use it more thrifty we can Usage in program:

    DB.withConnection { s =>
        implicit cs: ConnSource = JavaConnection(s)


It will use one connection for all requests.

Same way for transaction:

    DB.withTransaction { s =>
        implicit cs: ConnSource = JavaConnection(s)
