
v1.3 to-do list / possible roadmap

radiatoryang opened this issue · 2 comments

not sure when I'll get to these features, if ever, but here's what I'm thinking about for the semi-distant future

  • improve leaf placement
  • add IvyProfile option to generate ivy as one mesh (via submeshes)
  • add IvyProfile option for 32 bit index
  • add IvyProfile + IvyBehaviour option to automatically generate LODGroup
  • (when Unity 2021.2 ships) evaluate if URP or HDRP are mature enough, consider packaging NodeGraph leaf shaders for them

Any plans on the URP support?

Not in the near future, no. At some point I'll use this in my own URP project, and then I will update it, but I don't know when that will be.

But really, 90% of this thing will already work in URP. You just need to swap in your own materials.