
:musical_note: Sleek music player for Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music and your local files


Harmony Screenshot

Total Downloads

  • Play music from SoundCloud, Google Play Music, Spotify, Deezer, Hype Machine or your local tracks
  • All your playlists within the same app
  • Sound menu integration or system tray for incompatible systems
  • Last.fm scrobbling
  • Super sleek interface
  • Dark mode (Cmd/Ctrl + D)
  • Keyboard control
  • Distraction-free
  • Background notifications


Download Harmony from the website.

Reporting issues

Please indicate your operating system, Harmony's version and if you can, steps to reproduce the bug.

Also, please include the log of Harmony, after you reproduced the error. The log should be located at:

  • %APPDATA%/Harmony/harmony.log on Windows
  • ~/.config/Harmony/harmony.log on Linux
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Harmony/harmony.log on macOS

Altough you can submit small feature requests, keep in mind that I only prioritize requests coming from paying users.

Where is the source code?

Harmony used to be an open-source software. It is now a free-to-evaluate software, but you need a license for continued use.

I explain this decision here.

You can still access the source code prior to the 0.5.0 release on this repo.