MDFF-EnTK: Scalable Adaptive Protein Ensemble Refinement Integrating Flexible Fitting
- 4
End of June, 2021
#35 opened by lee212 - 0
922 replica runs
#34 opened by lee212 - 0
June 11th, 2021
#33 opened by lee212 - 0
- 2
2nd Week of May 2021
#31 opened by lee212 - 11
Week 8 action items
#30 opened by daipayans - 22
NAMD/VMD compilation on RHEL8
#36 opened by lee212 - 2
Week 4 action items
#26 opened by lee212 - 2
Week 1 Action items
#23 opened by lee212 - 3
Week 2 action items
#24 opened by lee212 - 11
Week 3 action items
#25 opened by lee212 - 1
Week 5 action items
#27 opened by lee212 - 6
Week 6 action items
#28 opened by daipayans - 5
Week 7 action items
#29 opened by lee212 - 4
- 7
Scaling Performance at large pipeline runs
#19 opened by lee212 - 2
stop/start feature
#16 opened by lee212 - 0
Local testing protocol on Summit
#22 opened by lee212 - 7
pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: failed: timeout
#21 opened by lee212 - 1
Release plan for different user groups
#17 opened by lee212 - 3
New stage for selective criteria
#18 opened by lee212 - 2
Plan for NAMD and EnTK
#8 opened by lee212 - 2
merging two script into one, simple_mdff.py
#14 opened by lee212 - 3
Taking node counts as a parameter on command line like `python simple_mdff.py --nodes 2`
#15 opened by lee212 - 26
Update on NAMD-EnTK pipeline; no `mdff check` in analysis, and N times simulation
#11 opened by lee212 - 6
- 7
Adding Nodes to resource configuration file
#12 opened by benjha - 8
EnTK and NAMD integration for simple MDFF
#4 opened by daipayans - 10
EnTK hangs on Summit for MDFF
#9 opened by benjha - 5
TCL scripts verification for VMD with EnTK on HPC
#10 opened by lee212 - 3
Passwordless login to Bridges
#1 opened by daipayans - 2
Support for First Successful Run of EnTK
#2 opened by lee212 - 3
Status update and next steps
#3 opened by lee212 - 4