
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple library for integrating with RESTful API's. It will seemlesly integrate with any RESTful API, as long as it follows the rules of such.


npm install --save browser-resource

Then require the Resrouce into your project, like so:

const Resource = require('browser-resource').Resource

or by using ES6 destructurizing syntax

const { Resource } = require('browser-resource');

Or if you can use ES6 imports

import { Resource } from 'browser-resource';
// all bellow examples will not be using this sytanx, but you can, if you want.


Currently browser-resource supports only two global config options, in order to achive them, get the Config function, like so:

const { Config } = require('browser-resource');
Config(function (config) {
    // config is the object that you need to modify to setup the entire library
    // available options are listed below


  • string that will be prepended to every url before an request has been made

For example:

config.namespace = '/api/v1';


  • headers has to be an array of arrays
  • those headers will be added to every request you send

For example:

config.headers = [['Authorization', 'Bearer super-secret-token']];


Instance of Resource has the following methods. Please note, that below methods return a Bluebird promise, for you to easily handle any async requests.

list(params: Object)

  • makes an GET request to the server for fetching a list of resources, the server should respond with an array of objectcs
  • params are optional query parameters that will be added to the request.

create(params: Object)

  • makes an POST request to the server
  • params is an object that will be send in the body of the request

update(params: Object)

  • makes an PATCH request to the server, in order to make PUT request please take a look at insert method
  • params will be sent as the body of the request. The id of the params object should be provided, this will be added to the url of the request. However, it will NOT be sent in the body of the request.

insert(params: Object)

  • makes an PUT request to the server, this can theoretically create an entire resource on the server (along with an id), if it is allowed by the server.
  • the id from params object will be added to the URL, but it will not be removed from the body of the request.

destroy(params: Object)

  • makes an DELETE request to the server.
  • params.id needs to be provided in order to make sure which resource should be deleted. id won't be added to the request body

action(name: String, params: Object, method = 'post')

Somtimes an custom action is defined on a resource. This will send any type of request and any action on any resource. For example: Resource url is /users and we want to send an POST request to email action on the server that sends email to all the users in the system. To do this we simply write:

resource.action('email', { message: 'Hi' }).then(function (res) {
  // handle response
}).catch(ErrorResponse, function (err) {

upload(name: String, file: Object, params: Object)

  • This is used for file upload, name will be appedned to the resource and create the final endpoint.
  • file should be an object that has file key and under it a File - this file will be uploaded.
  • params is an Object that will be added to the body of the request. Basically providing additonal parameters, if required.

This is an multipart request, so the body will not be a JSON. It will be form params/payload, for example:

const file = new File(); // this won't work since the File needs to args, its merley to show that a file is sent
const resource = new Resource('/users');
resource.upload('avatar', { file }, { filename: 'avatar.png' });

Error Handling

The returned Promise from any of the request methods is a Bluebird Promise. Meaning you can provide which errors you want to catch as a first argument of the catch function. I highly recommend doing so. If you will catch every error in this catch callback you will really have a hard time developing your application. browser-resource thankfuly exposes the Error klass which you can use to provide as the first agrugment

const { ErrorResponse, Resource } = require('browser-resource');

const resource = new Resource('/users');
resource.list().then(function (res) {
  // do what you need to do when a successful response has been received
}).catch(ErrorResponse, fuction (err) {
   // do the error handling
   // the error response is under err.err

One thing about the err object - it will keep the err response under the err property of the thrown error, for example: err.err.