
An experimental design lab for spatial computing.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Canvatorum - An experimental design lab for spatial computing

This is the main codebase for the Radical Canvatorium project. It uses Nuxt and Vue JS to create labs and benches built with Babylon JS.

  • Labs are used to explore concepts for Spatial Computing, VR, AR, WebXR, etc. Labs will nearly always be intended to be viewed in VR or AR
  • Benches are used to explore simple 3D concepts that may be used in the labs. Benches will not have VR or AR support.

Visit the project landing page for the latest updates.

Using this project

Using npm version 19 with nvm installed nvm use 19

Install npm install

Running in development mode npm run dev // standard Vite server or npm run dev-winows // to use the self-signed certs on Windows or npm run dev-mac // to use the self-signed certs on macOS

Using WebXR with self-signed certs

WebXR scenes need to be served over HTTPS. While working on the project locally, I often need to test the scene on another device such as an Oculus Quest 2.

Setup certs

  • Install mkcert npm install -g mkcert
  • Run this command to create local certs mkcert -key-file ./.certs/key.pem -cert-file ./.certs/cert.pem "localhost"
  • Update package.json to use the local certs. This example works on mac. "dev-mac": "NODE_ENV=development nuxt dev --https --ssl-cert ./.certs/cert.pem --ssl-key ./.certs/key.pem --host --port=5555",

Note: The browser may still warn or block these certs, but you can click past the warning and access the scene.

Alternative: you can use ngrok to forward your local dev server to a URL. I found this to be really slow and prone to errors...


Error: L command and subsequent coordinates.

m 10.883377,8.7409263 2.924,-0.496 2.885,1.0279998 -2.325,0.386 -1.47,0.217 -1.171,1.6780009 -0.261,0.486 -0.934,0.798 -0.279,0.036 -0.117,-0.942 L 9.7743771,8.9349261 10.883377,8.7409263

Fixed: removed the L command and updated the coordinates to be relative.

m 10.8834 8.7409 l 2.924 -0.496 l 2.885 1.028 l -2.325 0.386 l -1.47 0.217 l -1.171 1.678 l -0.261 0.486 l -0.934 0.798 l -0.279 0.036 l -0.117 -0.942 l -0.3734 -2.9239 l 1.1214 -0.2671