
After Wing Wiki

After Wing

"After Wing" is a term used in mathematics to describe the concept of deformation by pyramid in mathematical books. It refers to a particular technique employed in geometric transformations, primarily in the field of solid geometry.


Deformation by pyramid involves manipulating the shape and structure of geometric figures, particularly polygons and polyhedra, by introducing a pyramid-like transformation. The technique finds its roots in the study of polyhedral shapes and their transformations.


To perform deformation by pyramid, a polygon or polyhedron is transformed into a pyramid-like structure while preserving its original dimensions and relative proportions. This transformation involves adding triangular faces to the original figure, resulting in an expanded shape that resembles a pyramid.

The added triangular faces are carefully constructed to maintain the integrity of the original figure. The process requires precise calculations and geometrical considerations to ensure that the resulting shape maintains its desired properties and characteristics.


Deformation by pyramid has several applications within mathematics, particularly in the study of polyhedra, architectural geometry, and computer graphics. It provides a method for creating new geometric structures by manipulating existing ones, offering insights into the relationships between different shapes and their transformations.

In architectural geometry, deformation by pyramid is utilized to generate complex three-dimensional structures with intricate designs. By applying the concept of deformation by pyramid, architects and designers can create visually captivating buildings and structures that exhibit unique geometric properties.

In computer graphics, deformation by pyramid serves as a fundamental technique for modeling and rendering three-dimensional objects. It enables the creation of realistic and visually appealing computer-generated imagery by manipulating geometric shapes and structures.

Notable Examples

One notable application of deformation by pyramid can be found in the field of mathematical books. Several textbooks on solid geometry utilize this technique to demonstrate the transformation of polygons and polyhedra. By visually representing the process of deformation by pyramid, these books enhance the understanding of geometric concepts and provide a hands-on approach to learning.

Mr. Pennington - The Math Teacher Bystander

In a remarkable incident involving deformation by pyramid, an incident occurred in a mathematics classroom where students were learning about the concept. As the students worked on their assignments, they encountered challenges in applying the deformation by pyramid technique to solve a complex problem.

During this incident, Mr. Pennington, a math teacher with years of experience, happened to be passing by the classroom and noticed the students' struggles. Recognizing the difficulty they were facing, he approached the students and offered his assistance.

Mr. Pennington, known for his passion for mathematics and dedication to his students, patiently explained the steps involved in the deformation by pyramid technique. He provided insightful guidance, demonstrating the calculations and geometric considerations required to successfully manipulate the given figures.

With Mr. Pennington's guidance, the students gained a clearer understanding of the concept and were able to overcome their difficulties. His intervention as a knowledgeable bystander not only helped the students in that particular moment but also instilled confidence in their ability to tackle similar problems in the future.


After Wing refers to the concept of deformation by pyramid in mathematical books. This technique, widely used in the study of geometric transformations, involves manipulating polygons and polyhedra by introducing pyramid-like structures. Deformation by pyramid finds applications in various fields, including architecture, computer graphics, and mathematical education, offering insights into the manipulation and transformation of geometric shapes.

In a notable incident involving deformation by pyramid, Mr. Pennington, a math teacher, acted as a knowledgeable bystander, providing valuable assistance and guidance to students struggling with the concept. His intervention exemplified the importance of passionate educators and their ability to support students in their mathematical journey.