
Rewire helper for Jasmine specs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


jasmine-rewire is a tiny helper for making the [Babel Rewire Plugin][https://github.com/speedskater/babel-plugin-rewire] a little easier to use under Jasmine. A common pattern that we use at Radify looks something like this:

var mocks;

beforeEach(() => {
  mocks = {
    modA: jasmine.createSpyObj('mockModA', ['foo', 'bar']),
    modB: jasmine.createSpyObj('mockModB', ['baz', 'qux'])

  sut.__Rewire__('modA', modA);
  sut.__Rewire__('modB', modB);

afterEach(() => {

it('tests system under test using mocked dependencies', () => {
  // ...

Maintaining this structure can be tedious - particularly with complex specs and systems under test. Here's the equivalent when using jasmine-rewire:

import rewire from 'jasmine-rewire';

var mocks = rewire(sut, {
  modA: jasmine.createSpyObj('mockModA', ['foo', 'bar']),
  modB: jasmine.createSpyObj('mockModB', ['baz', 'qux'])

it('tests system under test using mocked dependencies', () => {
  // ..

The rewire function automatically takes care of calling __Rewire__ on the system under test before each spec, and __ResetDependency__ after each spec. This allows you, the developer, to focus on constructing mocks and not worry about attaching and detaching them.


jasmine-rewire is released under the BSD 3-clause “New” License.