
Arduino weather station for minecraft

Primary LanguageC

Minestation 0.1

![Minestation image][1] [1]:http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lulvppPtKc1r44ku7o1_400.jpg

These are the sources to compile with Arduino
fonts.h is a header file that contains the fonts generators
foto.h contains data to generate the bitmap on screen
Includes Timer1 libraries from Jesse Tane http://labs.ideo.com
LCD Nokia6100 Epson controller libraries by James P Lynch
Some LCD functions modified by [Alfredo Prado][2]
Minestation web page: http://minestation.me

Just another Open Hardware Project
Copyright under Creative Commons license by:
#####[Alfredo Prado][2]
#####[Xavier Belanche][3]
[2]:http://twitter.com/#radikaldesig [3]:http://twitter.com/#xbelanch