• Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Maintainers


The Disclaimer module watches over users visiting sections of the site and displays disclaimer when section is entered.


This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.



1. Navigate to Administration > Extend and enable the module.
2. Navigate to Administration > Structure > Block layout. Choose a region
   and select "Place block". Find the "Disclaimer block" and select
   "Place block" to configure the block.
3. In the "Redirect" field enter the URL a rejected user is sent to.
   e.g. /content-for-unconfirmed-users.
4. The "Max-age" field is the time in seconds the user will remain
   confirmed. Set to 0 for no expiry. (86400 seconds = 24 hours)
5. In the "Challenge" text field, enter the question the user must confirm.
   "Do you agree?" type of question. Agree = User stays on requested page.
   Disagree = User is redirected to Redirect url specified.
6. Enter the desired text for the Agree and Disagree buttons.
7. In the "Disclaimer" text field, enter the text displayed to the user on
   a protected page when the user has JS turned off. (No popup with
   challenge is available.)
9. In the vertical tabs, set the visibility for: Content types, Pages, and
10. Select the Region to display the block. Save block.


Supporting organization: