The goal of this guide is to set up Chromium based browsers for better privacy, security, usability and performance.
I am not responsible for any direct or indirect consequences/damage resulting from their use!
- No/reduced home calling
- Privacy improvments
- Network-State partitioning system
- User-Agent, Color Scheme (to light), Media Devices native spoofing methods
- Client Hints, Sensors, Idle Detection, FLoC, Reporting and many other privacy harming features blocked
- Encrypted Client Hello enabled, previously known as Encrypted SNI
- Security improvments (mostly for Windows)
- JITLess mode
- GPU, Renderer and Network services in AppContainers
- ACG and CIG mitigations in the renderer and network processes
- Csrss lockdown
- Better performance & resource saving
- Ameliorated caching and throttling system
- Parallel downloading
- Better browsing usability without sacrificing privacy
Monero: 46FQDwvrc3uNAEGrptoMSwY3oAdmFNVnjc8jzkCTw9MG9XTstDU2JwjTADyphKhqDw9mKBjU8eaUacLErHmDqvvWFpCQW3N
Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0