- 1
- 0
[feat] ability to copy colors as JS objects
#757 opened by itsjavi - 2
Mobile Overflow Issue for Live Examples on Homepage
#699 opened by salemlf - 0
Release notes for v 1.1.0 of the components
#791 opened by FleetAdmiralJakob - 0
Major performance degradation when scrolling past "Why Radix Primitives" on the main website page
#741 opened by xumix - 0
[CaseStudiesSection] Avatars are missing alternative text (accessibility bug)
#788 opened by ashleemboyer - 0
Document that controling displayed value in Select is recommended for SSR
#789 opened by peteruithoven - 0
RSS support for the blog
#754 opened by kuchta - 1
- 10
- 1
Zero-dependency larger icon set
#800 opened by samuelneff - 0
- 0
Reference the layer system in the docs
#746 opened by lucasriondel - 2
Adding a Search Bar to Radix UI Docs Website
#734 opened by huseyingulec - 0
Add documentation to the DropdownMenu
#744 opened by andrecasal - 0
Be more clear about how to control the component
#694 opened by joaom00 - 0
- 0
- 0
Themes Hero Typo (Missing Space ` `)
#801 opened - 2
Broken aria link for radio group
#780 opened by aldebout - 4
Discord link is broken
#792 opened by onursagir - 2
- 1
Colors css variables - Create a custom palette
#774 opened by clementloridan - 1
No Download Links for Windows
#772 opened by SkybuckFlying - 1
Add a NavigationMenu.Sub example
#745 opened by andrecasal - 1
- 0
Update `Navigation Menu • With client side routing` example to reflects Next 13 `Link` behavior
#563 opened by damiencornu - 1
Certain Radix Colors scales do not reach 4.5:1 contrast using step 11 text and step 3 background
#736 opened by theycallmezeal - 1
Code block highlight line breaks on small screen
#732 opened by al-imam - 1
- 0
scale conversion to hsl format is incorrect for scale copy to clipboard function
#721 opened by abhushanaj - 1
Update Visual Style Page to show `Basic Usage`
#716 opened by 5starkarma - 1
- 0
"Developer experience to love" section on /primitives could be more accessible
#708 opened by jguddas - 2
The tabs don't supports vertical orientation
#656 opened by ehsanghaffar - 0
Alpha extraction from HSLA
#678 opened by Azuky - 2
[DropdownMenu] Typeahead example
#640 opened by zignis - 0
[Docs] Small colors order inconsistency
#638 opened by snelsi - 4
Property 'sideOffset' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & ContextMenuContentProps & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>'
#631 opened by LupuC - 1
Touch event on Select UI component triggers events on other interactive UI elements
#626 opened by bogy0 - 2
#622 opened by PaulieScanlon - 1
- 4
Styling issue on the code-block dropdown menu
#620 opened by ashrafchowdury - 1
Docs use SelectItem instead of Select.Item
#605 opened by slavanga - 35
Add tailwind demos
#540 opened by benoitgrelard - 3
Wrong React import in code examples
#572 opened by tomek-ch - 2
Tooltip demo not working
#562 opened by hey-stefan - 1
Dropdown menu nested menu overflow on mobile
#553 opened by hichemfantar - 2
Url image breaked in Hover card page
#541 opened by SamGCM - 0
Add vanilla-extract demos
#545 opened by tunguyen-ct