
digital asset by Radix

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi I'm just looking a short review on Radix code and I think it is very interesting

For the time being I'm currently trying to create a digital asset based on Radix (something like a small inventory system based on currency collateral I guess).

It's just an idea since I found the early version (last year version 0.11.9), and I found some interesting things here. So I'm just continuing the codes (nothing changes on the latest version 1.0.0-beta realese).

I share my source on my google drive

(sorry not yet uploaded to this channel) :)

Anyone can help me to review

thanks and regards,

Hello there!

That sounds like an interesting idea and something we think the Radix platform is an eminent platform to build on.

For inspiration you can have a look at the example directory in the radixdlt-java repository. There you will find an example app that shows how to create a new, custom token and how to "mint" and "burn" new instances of it.

Soon we will also start publishing full scale reference implementations of different use cases. Look out for new repositories or blog posts popping up for even more inspiration :)

You might also find our Betanet Emulator useful if you quickly want to validate your implementation.

As for reviewing third party code, we are extremely limited on time and simply can't invest the effort needed for this (apart from contributions to our libraries) right now. We're of course more than happy to answer concrete questions and suggest further reading in our blog or knowledge base.