Based on PyQt4.
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interactiveTutorial is listed in the Python Package Index. You can install it typing:
pip install interactiveTutorial
Instead of a static PDF tutorial this package allows you to run and create tutorials within your PyQt4 based application. Tutorials are created through choosing a point of interest (POI), e.g. a widget, and typing an explaining text for each step.
- widget to execute a given tutorial
- widget to create and edit tutorials
- QMenu listing all created tutorials and allowing to run and edit them.
- Embedd this one in your QMenuBar and you have all functionalities of interactiveTutorial
- Instances of QMenu and QAction cannot be chosen as POI
- QWidgets within QTreeWidgetItems are only marked on focus
... if you find more´, please let me know!
interactiveTutorial uses mostly the 'one class/function per module' rule. Running each module as program, like:
python -m interactiveTutorial.TutorialMenu.TutorialMenu
will execute the test case of this module.