
Custom Neovim Configuration.

Primary LanguageLua

Neovim Config

Welcome to my NeoVim config. Use it for inspiration.


comment.nvim - Commenting
copilot - Github copilot integration
lazy.nvim - Plugin manager
gitsigns - Git status signs
indent-blankline - Indentation UI
lspconfig - Language Server Protocol support
lspsaga - Enhanced LSP support
lualine - Statusline
mason-lspconfig - Better mason and lsp-config integration
efm-langserver - Linting and Formatting
mason - LSP installation management
nightfox - nightfox colourscheme
noice - vim commandline ui
nvim-autopairs - autopair completion
nvim-cmp - auto-completion support
nvim-tree - file tree explorer
nvim-web-devicons - file icons
telescope - fuzzy finder
tmux-navigator - tmux window navigation
trouble - diagnostics
vim-illuminate - illuminates instances of word under cursor
whichkey - shortcut hints

neovim version supported



Radley E. Sidwell-Lewis