Create the app and database container:
dokku apps:create ttrss
dokku postgres:create ttrss-pgsql
Configure the app for initial deployment:
dokku config:set ttrss SELF_URL_PATH=''
dokku config:set ttrss WRITE_SCHEMA=true
Deploy the app:
git remote add
git push dokku master
dokku config:unset WRITE_SCHEMA
All configuration is done with environment variables and setting them via Dokku.
They are documented in the app.json.
Plugins with git repositories can be cloned with the config variable GIT_PLUGINS:
dokku config:set --no-restart ttrss GIT_PLUGINS=',fever;'
dokku config:set --no-restart ttrss GIT_PLUGINS=',example;,another;'
Note: you will have to rebuild the container afterwards for these to work:
dokku config:set --no-restart ttrss GIT_PLUGINS='https://repo.git/repo.git,repo'
dokku ps:rebuild ttrss
Unlike system plugins these are enabled in the web interface, not via the
config varable PLUGINS
See fox/tt-rss/wiki/Plugins for more info.
Dump the database: dokku postgres:export ttrss-database | xz -9ev > ttrss-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M).xz
Updating tt-rss is done through rebuilding:
dokku ps:rebuild ttrss
If a schema update is required, run the following command:
dokku run ttrss vendor/fox/ttrss/update.php --update-schema
This is usually caused by the buildpack/herokuish being outdated.
I recommend you update your dokku installation first and foremost, but a quick fix can be achieved by manually setting the buildpack URL.
Find a recent buildpack version here:
And substitute the ref at the end of this URL with the version you choose:
dokku config:set ttrss BUILDPACK_URL=${VERSION}
dokku ps:rebuild ttrss
You can check the current version of your buildpack using dokku report
dokku report | grep heroku
After upgrading your configuration, remember to unset the BUILDPACK_URL:
dokku config:unset ttrss BUILDPACK_URL