#Ogone for Rails
##What is it
A Ruby gem to simplify the use of Ogone online payments service.
gem install ogone-rails
# or include in a gemfile
gem 'ogone-rails'
Define ogone parameters in a yaml config file:
# config/ogone.yml
pspid: "hoetmaaiers"
sha_in: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"
sha_out: "vutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba9876543210"
currency: "EUR"
language: "nl_NL"
mode: 'test'
pspid: "hoetmaaiers"
sha_in: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv"
sha_out: "vutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba9876543210"
currency: "EUR"
language: "nl_NL"
mode: 'live'
Deprecated in version >= 0.1.3, configure ogone-rails in an initializer:
# initializers/ogone.rb
ogone_config = YAML.load_file('config/ogone.yml')[Rails.env].symbolize_keys
OgoneRails::config (ogone_config)
- sha_in
- sha_out
- currency, default: "EUR"
- language, default: "nl_NL"
- mode, default = "live"
Generate an ogone_form whith the new syntax.
Full example
ogone_form_tag({:id => "form"}) do
form_content = ogone_fields({
:parameter => value
# add custom submit
form_content << '<input type="submit" value="pay now" />'
ogone_form_tag example
ogone_form_tag({ :html_attribute => "value" }) do
# everything in here must be in one variable
form_content = "…"
form_content << "…"
ogone_fields example
Generate hidden input fields with ogone parameters.
:parameter => "value",
ogone_fields_options = {
# General parameters
:order_id => 'orderID',
:amount => 'amount',
:customer_name => 'CN',
:customer_email => 'EMAIL',
:customer_address => 'owneraddress',
:customer_zip => 'ownerZIP',
:customer_city => 'ownertown',
:customer_country => 'ownercty',
:customer_phone => 'ownertelno',
# Feedback url's
:accept_url => 'accepturl',
:decline_url => 'declineurl',
:exception_url => 'exceptionurl',
:cancel_url => 'cancelurl',
# Look and feel
:title => 'TITLE',
:bg_color => 'BGCOLOR',
:text_color => 'TXTCOLOR',
:table_bg_color => 'TBLBGCOLOR',
:table_text_color => 'TBLTXTCOLOR',
:button_bg_color => 'BUTTONBGCOLOR',
:button_text_color => 'BUTTONTXTCOLOR',
:font_family => 'FONTTYPE',
:logo => 'LOGO'
####No worry, old syntax is still enabled...
:paramater => "value"
}, { :html_attribute => "" })
Create a new object to check the feedback Ogone gives you:
# app/controllers/feedback_controller.rb
@check = OgoneRails::CheckAuth.new( request )
Check valid authorization:
#return true or false
Get parameters:
… returns the Ogone feedback in a hash format. The keys are made more readable then Ogone provides them: …
:order_id => 46185,
:amount => 299.38,
:currency => "EUR",
:payment_method => "CreditCard",
:acceptance => "test123",
:status => "Authorized",
:card_number => "XXXXXXXXXXXX1111",
:pay_id => "14838904",
:error => nil,
:brand => "VISA",
:sha_sign => "51AF71351E79DD0186816289AD53C57213978E32"
Copyright © 2012 Robin Houdmeyers