
🩻 Wrappers for babashka.process functions to enable tracing by default

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Wrappers for babashka.process functions to enable tracing by default.

The default behavior is similar to set -x in bash.


Add the following coordinates to your deps.edn or bb.edn file:

io.github.rads/xtrace {:git/tag "v0.0.3" :git/sha "5e7c34c"}


(require '[rads.xtrace :refer [shell sh process exec]])

;; Same API as babashka.process
(shell {} "whoami")
(sh {} "whoami")
@(process {} "whoami")
(exec {} "whoami")

;; Disable tracing globally
(alter-var-root #'rads.xtrace/*enabled* (constantly false))

;; Customize output
(def custom-pre-start-fn #(apply println ">>" (:cmd %)))
(alter-var-root #'rads.xtrace/*pre-start-fn* (constantly custom-pre-start-fn))