
React SPA and Laravel backend

Primary LanguagePHP

React + Laravel

This repository is a SPA using Laravel 7 in backend and React.JS 16 in frontend.




  • React: Front-end framework.
  • Redux: React state management.
  • Redux-Form: A higher order component decorator for forms using Redux and React.
  • Babel: Support ES8 syntax.
  • Boostrap: Front-end UI kit.
  • Webpack: Module bundler.
  • Casl: User permissions manager
  • AdminLte 3: Responsive administration template

How to deploy

Environment prerequisites

php >= 7.2

Cloning repository and install dependencies

Install php dependencies

$ git clone https://github.com/raduanoliveira/laravel-react-redux.git

$ cd laravel-react-redux

$ composer install

Check updates of npm packages.

$ npm install -g npm-check-updates
$ ncu -u
$ npm install

Create .env file

$  cp .env.example .env

Edit database connection in .env file

$  vim .env


ps: the database should now be created. The chosen user must have permission to access the database.

Run migrate (to create tables on database)

php artisan migrate

Run passport (to create OAuth2 users and keys)

php artisan passport:install

Run seeders (to populate roles table)

php artisan db:seed

Run storage (to create a symbolic link in public folder to /storage/app)

php artisan storage:link

Generate a key to application

php artisan key:generate

Deployment is ready to run

php artisan serve

The project is running on http://localhost:8000

Configuring admin permission

After the first user is created on the registration page, you must configure that user as administrator permission.

$ php artisan tinker
$ $role = \App\Role::where('name','admin')->first()
$ $user = \App\User::find(1)
$ $user->roles()->attach($role->id)

Your user can access the administrator mode in the project.

Running the development environment

To make updates to the frontend, you need to set up the React environment.

$ cd resources/assets/myapp/src/
$ ncu -u
$ npm install
$ npm run start

The development environment is running on the localhost:3002

After customizing, you need to run the following command to deploy to production

$ npm run build

ps. The webpack is configured to create files (.js and .css) for the internal laravel production environment (/public/). Running the production environment in localhost:8000