It started when I was 5, playing around with a Cobra PC, then a HC85 cursing every time the tape got stuck after 30 minutes of loading. Now the WWW is my home.
KIN+CARTAOrion Arm, Earth
radum's Following
- aFarkasBerlin
- ahejlsbergMicrosoft
- Algorithm-Arena
- andydaviesGloucestershire, UK
- antfu@Nuxt
- darkwingMozilla
- davatron5000Paravel
- devongovettAdobe
- drewmUnder Engineering Ltd
- evanwSan Francisco
- fabkrumBaqend
- fatCoinbase
- Heydon
- icflorescuReact/Next.js/Node.js Developer
- igrigorikShopify
- jdaltonSocket.dev
- justinfagnaniStealth Mode Startup™
- leerob@Vercel
- lukeedSan Francisco, CA
- lukejacksonnLondon, UK
- natemoo-re@withastro
- nikolovlazar@getsentry
- nzakasHuman Who Codes LLC
- patrickhulce@Netflix
- philipwaltonGoogle
- pmeenan@google
- rsmsPlaybit
- rviscomi@GoogleChrome
- rwjblue@linkedin
- shadeedUxable Design
- snookcaOttawa, Canada
- soulgalore@Wikimedia
- tunethewebGoogle
- unjs
- web-infra-dev
- zkochan@teambit