
A simple embedded system design for detecting dust level in the air using 8051 uP and PPD42NS dust sensor.

Primary LanguageC


This is a simple embedded system design for detecting the dust level in air using 8051. The system continously monitors the dust level concenteration and updates it every 10 seconds (i.e. sample time).

Components Used:

  • AT89C51
  • PPD42NS (Dust Sensor)
  • LCD (16x2)

Block Diagram:


  • Input Side: PPD42NS Dust sensor provides a negative pulse corresponding to the level of concenteration.
  • Output Side: LCD (16x2) is used to display the output level, HIGH,MEDIUM and LOW.
  • The timer0 is used to create a time delay for 10 seconds, and the timer1 is used to measure the low pulse occupancy time (LPO) of the signal from the PPD4NS sensor. Every 10 seconds, LPO resets.



Design Constraint:

  • Have to use single sided PCB.
  • Hole size should be 1mm in diameter.

PCB Layout: