This is a simple embedded system design for detecting the dust level in air using 8051. The system continously monitors the dust level concenteration and updates it every 10 seconds (i.e. sample time).
- AT89C51
- PPD42NS (Dust Sensor)
- LCD (16x2)
- Input Side: PPD42NS Dust sensor provides a negative pulse corresponding to the level of concenteration.
- Output Side: LCD (16x2) is used to display the output level, HIGH,MEDIUM and LOW.
- The timer0 is used to create a time delay for 10 seconds, and the timer1 is used to measure the low pulse occupancy time (LPO) of the signal from the PPD4NS sensor. Every 10 seconds, LPO resets.
- Have to use single sided PCB.
- Hole size should be 1mm in diameter.