Yocto SDK for the Rockchip SOC boards
- Get the code using the Manifest and Repo tool:
https://source.android.com/setup/develop/repo - Config your local config file (build/conf/local.conf)
- You can create a local.conf manually, follow:
- https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/plain/meta-poky/conf/local.conf.sample
- Or use the existing config files for demoing e.g.: rockchip-rk3326-evb.conf
- Run "source ./oe-init-build-env" to setup bitbake environment
- Run "bitbake core-image-minimal" to build the images
- Flash the generated "build/tmp/deploy/<MACHINE>/update.img" to your device
- Boot your device and enjoy it
Get source code
$ mkdir ~/yocto-rockchip-sdk && cd ~/yocto-rockchip-sdk
$ repo init -u https://github.com/radxa/yocto-manifests.git -b master
$ repo sync
Link the local.conf to the target board configuration file. Here we aim to build ROCK 5B machine, so the local.conf is linked to rockchip-rk3588-rock-5b.conf. You should change the link when you build the other machine.
$ cd ~/yocto-rockchip-sdk/build/conf
$ ln -sf rockchip-rk3588-rock-5b.conf local.conf
$ ls -al local.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 radxa radxa 28 Jul 24 18:45 local.conf -> rockchip-rk3588-rock-5b.conf
Start build
$ cd ~/yocto-rockchip-sdk
$ source ./oe-init-build-env
$ bitbake core-image-minimal
- Jeffy Chen
- Stephen Chen